Pretty self explanatory, but I feel they've been labeled wrong. (Most support at least 8, but newer, nicer ones support 16+) And finally, turn on EAX if your sound card supports it. Next, set the Audio Channels to the max your sound card supports. Not only will this improve the sound, but it'll take some of the burden off your processor as well.

If you know you have a sound card, then go ahead and click on Hardware Acceleration as well. Use reversed speaker only if when you click on "Speaker Test" the directions come out wrong. You'll have to know a bit about your sound card to get the most out of SS2's audio settings. This is a game that relies on the scare factor, so try to set it where dark feels dark, and don't be a wimp-out and set this too high. This is a hard one to set because it varies computer to computer. Choose your Hardware Driver if you have not done so already, then click "back". Again, click "back" to continue making changes. Faster computers should use 1024 x 768 x 16. Unless you have a really slow computer, set the Resolution to 800 x 600 x 16. I like having this set to about 1/5 max, but feel free to change this as needed. (E.G.: Crouch) Click on "back" when you've finished to continue making changes. This is much closer to the standard, but a few things still need changing if they bug you. For a quick set up, click on load and open the 'standard FPS' bind. However, most of them are not really needed. Notice that SS2 has quite a few commands that you can assign to keys. The basic controls for SS2 are quite honestly CRAP! Go ahead and click on "Customize Controls". Once open, 4 areas will become available for changes: Controls, Video, Audio, and Game. From the main menu, open the options menu. Setting Upīefore you even start you game of System Shock 2, you'll probably need to change a few settings. If you are dying to know what the code is, simply highlight it to reveal it. These are key codes that have been blacked out because they're major spoilers, and it's a lot better if you figure them out yourself. Also, throughout the walkthrough, you'll come across things that look like this 11111. If that doesn't work, check your control settings for "Compass HUD" to see what the command is. The default for activating the compass is c+alt. These directions are based on the compass that you can activate in your HUD. *Important*: Throughout the walkthrough I give directions like "Follow a heading of 180". Ch 7: Playin' with the chu chu on Command!.Ch 6: Beefin' up with the Annelids on the Rec Deck!.Ch 5: The plot unfolds on "The Operations Level"!.Ch 4: Dang man, there's some freaky shit goin' down in Hydroponics!.Ch 3: Operation Restore Power to the Elevator.